Renewable energy stirs latest M&A talent demand

Investors are beginning to pay more attention to the renewable natural gas (RNG) industry, and we’re already seeing new RNG-focused M&A roles take shape to bolster this growing interest.

The Charles Aris Corporate Development Practice has led searches for both public and private organizations looking to scale new and exciting industries, and we believe M&A will play a key role as investors, especially private equity investors, seek to gain traction within RNG.

The rise in RNG’s popularity among investors is likely a response to growing demand for renewable energy across the board. As governments, organizations and consumers look for green energy solutions, RNG is a promising alternative to fossil fuel.

Currently, RNG is created by capturing methane emissions from organic waste. These emissions are then converted into the same form of natural gas used in existing infrastructure, so it’s compatible with current systems but results in a renewable and cleaner-burning fuel.

Operational projects focused on RNG creation in the United States reached triple digits in 2020, and the federal government is extending clean fuel tax credits as incentive to investing organizations. Large oil and gas corporations have already invested billions of dollars into this sector, and we expect private equity to follow closely behind.

Our corporate development team is currently leading a search for a private equity-backed RNG platform business based in Texas. For this role, candidates with experience building models for related energy infrastructure projects will be prioritized. However, direct experience with RNG models is not required.

In the next few months, we’re anticipating an influx of senior-level corporate development searches in RNG to match the growing interest in this space. We also expect corporate development talent with a background in engineering or energy to show more interest in pursuing such roles as the demand for experienced leaders in renewable energy increases.